Sunday, October 28, 2007


It's not so bad. Taking this step by step (i.e. a specified number of videos daily), it's ok.
So far.

On the other hand, I'm increasingly watching sappy movies (i.e. Pride and Prejudice) and wondering when "Becoming Jane" and "Atonement" will come out, and looking for respectable films for Film class that I can analyze and use for my film study. At least that's somewhat

Finished "The Kite Runner", by Khaled Hosseini. Overall, it was pretty riveting and engrossing, but a lot of it was so predictable, and the plot was a bit unrealistic. I think it went overboard towards the end, starting from where Assef turned out to be the official in the Taliban who was abusing Hassan's kid Sohrab. But otherwise, I think I liked it - I'm not quite sure, though, I have mixed feelings about it. It did make me cry, and then feel pretty crappy afterwards for living a "good life" (I was eating mocha cake from BreakTalk while I was reading it)... talking to my mom about it helped, a bit. I'm not sure if I can say this for fear of sounding really stupid and ignorant, but it is a very "fun" book (meaning fast-paced) and it does make you think outside of your little bubble for a moment. I can't believe the people of Afghanistan are still living like this.
productive... right?

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