Friday, October 26, 2007


10 minutes ago, I deleted my Youtube account and vowed to embark on a journey of soul-cleansing and re-self-discovery.

Let me tell you this - for 2 years, I have been a faithful Youtube user. It all started when Jobo sent me a Naruto episode via MSN (when I was addicted to chatting, of course) and I was struck by the wonders of the Internet. I looked up Kenshin and had 96 episodes of beauty open up to me. My "total number of videos watched" count climbed up to 3,500 in my first few months.

I was 14.

This is totally not to something written to be funny. Of course, a lot of people could be reading this and laughing their heads off, but it's been really difficult. Already, I'm regretting my decision. People don't realize how hard it is to be working and resist the urge to take a 5 minute break to watch a little video.... and then that 5 minutes turns into 30, and then an hour, and then 2 and then 6.

Only today, I was chatting with a friend, who wrote, "Since when have you become a fan girl?" And then I had an epiphany - I was a fan girl. What were my hobbies? When was the last time I hung out with anyone? I've realized how much of my academic life was wasted away, and I've decided to do something about it. I could very well be sleeping at 10, or using those hours wasted and still sleep at 3/4 but be productive enough to use my good brain.

So begins day 1 of my withdrawal, and the beginning of my "Overcoming an Addiction" series of this blog. Believe me, I am not being melodramatic. My friends will know how serious I am about this.

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